Tug-of-War—Set An Example or… What should I do?


Caregiver, what should I do?

I’m struggling with a battle and need your advice regarding two opposing forces.

Do I maintain consistency and continue blogging and publishing The Caregiver’s Voice Newsletter while on vacation?


Do I do as I advise; and that is to step back and take a real vacation away from work?

On the one hand, I have a need to be consistent and dependable.

Today, consistency is a rarity. People start something and after some effort, stop; especially, when the going gets tough. Since 1998, I have been blogging at The Caregiver’s Voice. I’m old-fashioned. I do what I say. If I can’t, I’ll let you know in advance. I’m dependable.

When you grow to rely on someone without hesitation, you feel secure. You may even feel comforted by dealing with that person. You trust them. For many years now, one of those trusted people continues to be me.

I am reminded of a man who called me one evening to say he could not attend our Toastmasters meeting. He was scheduled to be one of the speakers. As a long-time member, I often reminded attendees of the importance of honoring their commitments. If we want to be seen as genuine professionals, we must keep our promises. Jaws would drop when I’d say, “The only reason you should miss a meeting is due to death—yours.” His reason for missing the meeting? “I’m at the hospital… in an emergency room. I may have had a stroke.” I still get goosebumps as I write this and it’s been over a decade. (I may have to revise my death comment and add stroke.) Fortunately, he is alive with no noticeable ill-effects. In fact, he is living a vibrant life.

Back to my inner battle… I have consistently blogged and published The Caregiver’s Voice Newsletter. It didn’t matter where I was in the world or what I was doing.

Is it time for a change? Am I being a hypocrite in the name of reliability?

On the other hand, I need to do what I say.

You have heard me say or read my advice to take a caregiver respite.

While one side tugs at me to be consistent, I do not want to be a hypocrite. I also need time away.

The gifts of respite are many. For one, we return refreshed and ready to tackle any job, even the impossible ones. Obstacles often shrink in size when we return energized after a change-of-pace.

There are also unexpected outcomes from doing things unrelated to our work. Unexpected gifts rise out of a total immersion in our escape. By temporarily releasing the tethers of our responsibilities, we return with vibrancy, lightness, and vigor due to the 3 Rs – rested, refreshed, and renewed.

Your advice?

So, having read both points of view (or considering another angle altogether), what is your advice to me to stop my tug-of-war?

Please let me know by Saturday, NOON, July 9th.

Share your advice in one of three ways:

  1. comment below,
  2. post to social media, where this will also be posted (click on the vertical buttons along the right side of this blog post to go directly to the page), or
  3. send me an email. I’ll share an update next week Wednesday.

The post Tug-of-War—Set An Example or… What should I do? first appeared on The Caregivers Voice.Original Article

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