The Top 5 Types of Therapy for Someone With PTSD


Presented by BetterHelp

Finding treatment for PTSD can be stressful and confusing. Which therapy should you try? What works best? There are many types of therapies that have been proven to treat PTSD. When it comes down to it, the best one for you is the one that helps you meet your therapeutic goals in a safe setting with a licensed mental health professional.

In this article, we’ll go through some of the best and most effective types of therapy to try if you have been diagnosed with PTSD, as well as tips for finding therapists in your area.


EMDR is a therapy that was developed specifically to treat PTSD. It is a more modern therapy than some others, working by training the brain to process trauma differently. During a session, you will activate both sides of your brain while speaking through your trauma. To do this, many therapists will have you watch a rapidly moving light or hold a buzzing stick in each hand. You can even trigger the effects of this therapy by throwing a ball back and forth from one hand to the other.

Activating the left and right sides of your brain at the same time allows you to more fully integrate your traumatic memory and remember things that you may have forgotten. Many patients claim that EMDR is one of the most difficult and most rewarding therapies they have tried for their trauma.

Before taking on EMDR, make sure you talk to your chosen therapist about how it might affect you.

2. Attachment-Based Therapy

Attachment-based trauma therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on your attachment style and how it developed due to your childhood trauma and relationships in life. You will learn which of the five attachment styles you have and how it impacts your current day-to-day life.

Learning about your attachment style can help you learn how to have healthier relationships, relate to others better, and learn about the reasons you react in certain ways. Your therapist will give you techniques to change your communication style and express love healthily with those you care about. You may also learn how to cut off unhealthy relationships from your life.

Attachment therapists will often have credentials in other areas, such as EMDR or CBT. Ask your therapist how they usually conduct a session to learn more.

3. Trauma-Based Talk Therapy (CBT)

CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy is what we generally see as regular “talk therapy.” Usually, it involves a therapist sitting across from you and discussing your concerns with you. They will offer behavioral coping skills and mechanisms to help you heal in your life, regardless of your diagnosis.

A CBT therapist with experience in trauma may take a more behavioral approach to trauma therapy. They may help you change your own patterns in your life to handle your traumatic memories. Or, you may talk through things that have happened and process them with your therapist.

CBT works best for people who want to change their actions to change their mindsets. For some people, this type of therapy may feel invalidating and cold. If you’re looking for something more validation-focused, it might be best to choose another type.

4. Spiritual and Faith-Based Therapies

For those who have a spiritual or religious belief system, faith-based and spiritual-based therapies are excellent options. Look for a spiritual therapist who has training in trauma and has been licensed as a therapist in your state.

Specific types of spiritual therapy you can find include:

  • Reiki
  • Energy healing
  • Acupuncture
  • Religious counseling
  • Astrological counseling

There are many other types of alternative therapies to try as well. Look into what is available online and in your area to learn more.

5. Internal Family Systems (IFS Therapy)

One therapy that is a bit lesser-known but very effective in treating trauma is IFS therapy. Internal family systems therapy focuses on the parts that every human has in their personality. For example, some parts of us are better at socializing and going out, and others may hold deep secrets and hurts.

An IFS therapist will help you see how your “parts” have developed from trauma (often in childhood) and help you learn how to care for those parts as a whole.

How To Find a Trauma Therapist in My Area

Even if you live in a rural area, therapy is available to you. There are many therapists who work online across the country and accept various insurance plans or lower payments than in-person therapists. You can also find therapists who specialize in trauma in every big city in the US. Search your town’s name and the type of therapy you’re looking for to get started.

How Does Trauma Therapy Work?

Trauma therapy works in different ways depending on which type you opt to do. Most therapists will target your memories and triggers to help you learn coping strategies to deal with them. Over time, the goal is for you to be able to respond to PTSD triggers without a terrifying reaction. It can be difficult to get there, but it’s 100% possible.

How Do I Know if I Have PTSD?

To know if you have PTSD, it’s important to meet with a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist for an assessment. They will likely have you complete a questionnaire to learn more about your moods and symptoms. They will meet with you one or two times to discuss your experiences.

For an official diagnosis, you will want to do an official psychoanalysis test. Therapists will also provide a diagnosis to your insurance company for billing purposes.


At the end of the day, finding a therapist for PTSD doesn’t have to be difficult. There are many options for therapy types to try, and many therapists available online and in person. Healing from trauma can be scary, but you don’t have to do it alone. With time, you might find that you are able to put the worst symptoms behind you and feel good again.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The post The Top 5 Types of Therapy for Someone With PTSD appeared first on The Good Men Project.

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