Brothers Prepare To Run Their 29th Boston Marathon Together


Running a marathon is a huge accomplishment. It’s something many people dream of doing, but few people accomplish.

Two brothers who have successfully completed a marathon together are 53-year-old Steve and 52-year-old Mark Godale from Aurora, Ohio.

While running a marathon with a sibling is a huge accomplishment in itself, these brothers didn’t stop at just one marathon. They continued to run together, completing 28 marathons in a row!

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

It all started years ago when the Godale brothers ran in the 26.2-mile Boston Marathon. They were in their 20s and both signed up and trained for the marathon together.

After successfully completing it, they decided to compete in the race again the following year – and they haven’t stopped since! In fact, they’re now preparing for the 29th marathon that’s coming up in April.

Photo: YouTube/News 5 Cleveland

It’s impressive enough that the two brothers have completely the Boston Marathon so many times, but it’s even more impressive when you factor in their race times. They don’t run at a leisurely pace, but push themselves to get some of the faster times.

Steve Godale’s record finish was in 2 hours and 43 minutes and Mark Godale’s best time was in 2 hours and 30 minutes. According to ACIS, the average marathon time is over 4 hours, whereas the fastest is just over 2 hours.

Photo: YouTube/News 5 Cleveland

In an interview with News 5 Cleveland, Steve Godale said, “When you think about it, the number of people that can run a marathon is only .5%, and to have the two of us running together is just phenomenal.”

Since starting their runs together, they’ve enjoyed every race throughout the years, with the exception of the 2013 Boston Marathon when the bombings took place that killed multiple spectators and left others injured. Despite that tragedy, the brothers continued to show up year after year, though it’s becoming more difficult as they age.

In the interview, Mark shared that he’s experienced some injuries that have made running more challenging but he’s still looking forward to competing in the 2022 Boston Marathon. “I will run it until I can’t run anymore,” he said.

Photo: YouTube/News 5 Cleveland

As for Steve, he hopes to run 50 consecutive races in a row, which would mean he’d have to race each year into his 70s.

While there aren’t records that are kept of sibling duos running the race together, it’s likely that Steve and Mark have received more Boston medals in a row than any other set of siblings. How incredible are they?

Check out the news piece below:

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