Benefits of Morning Movement


We all know that exercise and movement are amazing for us at any time of day, but did you know that getting your movement in first thing in the morning comes with additional health benefits? Regardless of whether you choose to go for a walk, do a Dailey Virtual or Online class in the comfort of your living room, head to your local Studio or go for a bike ride, morning exercise is a fantastic way to start your day and comes with a range of additional benefits including more energy and less stress. Who doesn’t need that right now!

With days full of juggling work and family priorities, I know how tempting it can be to sleep through the alarm and skip a morning workout. This pandemic has definitely taught me that prioritizing my morning exercise allows me tremendous benefits and the space in my day for more time, because it’s already done! If you can get into the habit of getting your daily exercise in before you go to work, you can take advantage of these proven benefits:

Better Mood. Checking exercise off your list first thing in the morning not only starts your day with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that you’ve done something great for your health and well being, but it will also reward you with a rush of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine – those post-workout feel-good chemicals that help boost your mood throughout the day. With morning exercise, you are less likely to allow traffic, running late, or that never-ending zoom meeting upset you.

Better Focus: There are a lot of studies out there now that by exercising in the morning it can actually help you focus better through the entire day. It’s proven that people suffering from attention deficit disorder feel much more balanced, present and successful when morning movement is prioritized. And I don’t know about you- but I believe almost everyone has a hard time focusing these day. This is a great day to help jumpstart your brain.

More Energy. Regular exercise is excellent for boosting energy and reducing fatigue. When you move your body, oxygen and nutrients travel to your heart and lungs, improving the cardiovascular system, your endurance, and overall stamina. By starting your day with exercise, you will feel more energized throughout the day.

Manage Stress. Movement is a natural remedy for stress. Getting in your workout before your day gets going will lower your body’s cortisol levels (stress hormones). Morning exercise will also help relieve tension and relax your muscles, which fights the negative effects of stress on your body. Physical activity is a natural remedy for stress.

Better sleep. A workout revs you up, boosting your heart rate and core temperature, and if you do that a few hours before bedtime, some people find it more challenging to fall asleep; working out in the morning leads to deeper, longer, and higher-quality sleep when you finally hit the pillow 15 or so hours later.

While getting a morning workout routine can be tough for you, I promise it is really worth the effort. Creating the habit is the hardest part. Start as slow as you need to, give yourself grace when you don’t succeed but commit to sticking with it. You will reap the health benefits and enjoy a much healthier and positive day every day. And we’re here for you every morning. A Dailey dose may be just what you need!

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