Welcome to the Team… Dr Paula Diab, PhD, CDCES


Please join us in welcoming Dr. Paula Diab, diabetologist and weight management specialist, to the Integrated Diabetes Services clinical team.Paula Diab - integrated diabetes services

Paula is a family physician in South Africa.

She earned her medical degree from the University of Cape Town in 2000 and then returned to her home province of KwaZulu-Natal to establish her career and continue her post-graduate studies. She recently met all the requirements and passed the exam to become a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist.

Paula runs a multi-disciplinary practice specializing in the management of chronic diseases, particularly diabetes and obesity. Her approach is to walk the journey with her patients and to allow them to manage their disease rather than allow the disease to define who they are.

Paula has been the recipient of numerous National and International Awards including the National CDE (Centres of Diabetes & Endocrinology) Best Practice Award in 2016 and the International Rising Stars Diabetes Programme in 2020. She is currently working on a task force to establish the first Obesity Management Guidelines in her home country. She also serves as a key opinion leader on multiple pharmaceutical products and frequently gives public lectures and presentations on various diabetes-related topics. She has authored dozens of journal articles and speaks often at local and international conferences.

Despite carrying the burden of being the only member of the IDS clinical team without type 1 Diabetes, her skills and passion for diabetes care & education are exemplary (she did successfully manage her own gestational diabetes during her pregnancies). Paula lives with her husband, Guy, and two teenage children, Brunton and Lauren. Her personal experiences led her to write and publish a book: “Confessions of a Pandemic Mother” – a humorous, yet very real account of a working mother’s experience during a global pandemic.

In her free time, Paula enjoys photography, piano, dancing, and watching her children thrive on the sports field & concert stage.

Paula is available for virtual consultations for those seeking help with weight loss and improving their insulin sensitivity. Please contact the IDS office for more information or to set up an appointment. (USA) 877-735-3648 Outside the US: 001-610-642-6055

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