Kundalini Horoscope: May 17 – 23, 2021.


The Moon is waxing this week – staying up later and later each night and each time appearing larger in the night sky. Notice the emotional energy rising as the week progresses. It is a good time to tackle the more physically challenging yoga sets. Also, don’t be shy about working toward goals and dreams that you set into motion at the time of the New Moon last week. Also, there is a solar sign change this week as the Sun changes costume from the Bull to the Twins this Thursday afternoon.

Monday is off to a grand start with the Moon moving into Leo during the morning hours. Have fun today. Wear something fabulous. Shower people with compliments. Go big. Let your heart shine and let people feel the warmth of your smile. Lead the way with love. Set an example for everyone else around you. This is a time for you to shine. Do not hide in the shadows. Let your opinions be known and your truth be heard.

Watch out for inflated egos on Tuesday. There may be too many people trying to run the show. Too many chefs and not enough cooks. When in doubt, use “ego eradicator” to put yourself in check and alter the dynamic of the entire situation. Tonight is a good night for romance. Surprise your loved one with a bouquet of flowers. Take him or her out to a nice dinner and/or show. Escape your usual routine for a moment and simply have fun.

Things might get a little tense on Wednesday. The Moon begins her 2nd Quarter phase, meaning that she is at an exact square angle with the Sun. The masculine and feminine luminaries are at odds with each other, so it is likely that the same will be true for the masculine and feminine polarities down here on Earth. Don’t be surprised if there is a bit of friction in every encounter!

Thursday is the day that the Sun moves from Taurus to Gemini, beginning it’s four-week transit through the mutable air sign. The vibration of Gemini will be our background music for this time, suggesting a period of increased social activity, communication and connection with others. It is a time to make a conscious effort to get closer to neighbors, siblings, and people you see on a daily basis. Keep conversation light and have fun. At the same time, it is a favorable period for you to explore new areas of interest. Consider signing on to a course or seminar on a topic that speaks to you. Don’t worry about how “out there” it may seem. If you find yourself wanting to learn more, find a teacher who can help guide you in exploration of the subject.

Use Friday morning to take care of details and work out any analytical problems that need to be solved. Your focus is clear and your mind is grounded. Get to work and get things done. Take note that your brain checks out in the afternoon. At 3:56pm EST (12:56pm PST), the Moon goes void-of-course and for the next five and a half hours, we feel as if we are in a fog. We have lost our sense of direction and our intuition is temporarily off-line. Make no major decisions during this time.

Partner up with friends or family members on Saturday. The Libra Moon is encouraging social interaction of all kinds. Don’t do anything alone. Grab a partner and do it together. Saturday night is also a good time for romance. Wear something fabulous. Splurge on yourself and the one you love.

Sunday is truly a day for relaxation and indulgence. Don’t pressure yourself to accomplish anything grand. Just relax and have fun. Put on fresh music and enjoy. “Of Heaven and Earth” by Jai-Jagdeesh is a great way to kick off your Sunday playlist. Mantras like “Ardaas Bhaee” alongside covers like “Hallelujah” make for a fun, upbeat and spiritually-nurturing album for all to listen to and enjoy. At 5:30pm EST (2:30pm PST), the Moon goes void-of-course for the rest of the evening. Make no major plans or decisions for the latter part of the day.

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